Northern S I Suffolk Breeders Club

Welcome to the new website for The Northern South Island Suffolk Breeders Club.

Our club is one of four regions covered by the New Zealand Sheepbreeders Association, covering the northern half of the South Island from Cook Strait in the north to the Waitaki river in the south.


President - James Gardiner





Vice President - Charles Miller-Brown


Secretary / Treasurer - Elizabeth Hampton









Committee members

Grant Beckett

Hamish Gardiner

Guy Abbott

Charles Miller Brown (Canterbury A&P Show Representative)

Norman Carr

James Gardiner(National Suffolk Breed Committee Representative)

Chris Hampton (National Suffolk Breed Committee Representative)

Bede McCloy

Penni Loffhagen

Andrew Adams

Claire Garrett


Suffolk Breed Objectives

The aim of the Suffolk Breed is to produce high yielding, quick maturing, heavier weight lambs. Registered stud breeders are expected to put main emphasis on fundamental structural soundness and good genetics that are relative to successful commercial lamb production.

The following factors, not necessarily listed in order of importance, should be part  of the selection criteria:-

* Recording system based on both pedigree and performance with emphasis on weight gain, muscling, yield and reasonable leanness.

* Fertility with ewes not rearing at least one lamb a year to be culled except in exceptional weather conditions.

* Good size and muscling, but of a mature size which provides the most efficient conversion of feed.

* An alert but reasonable temperament.

* Ease of lambing.

* Ability to tolerate or resist internal parasites.

* Wedge shape with fine shoulders but overall length.

* Ability to breed as hoggets.

* A good down type fleece free of britch and black spots.